This past Saturday, Kathy and I got together. Here we are above exactly 3 yrs ago, almost to the day, doing the same thing! I think we need a more current picture of ourselves! That was a fun time, though. We were both unexpectedly expecting. Of course, I think most of my readers know Sam's story. Kathy and her husband had experienced years of infertility, too. They had their first two babies with assistance and then they suddenly became un-infertile and ended up with a total of 5 children! In March of '07 I had called Kathy to let her know the news that I was, amazingly, pregnant, after 8 years. She sighed and said, "Oh, Sarah - I am too!" Our due dates were 3 weeks apart. But it appeared we would deliver very close together since the drs get nervous if my kidlets bake past 36 weeks. As it turned out, we both had plans for Oct. 22 of that year. I was to have my c-section and Kathy was to be induced. So, our plan was that whoever got out of the recovery room first would call the other! But, Kathy blew it. She went into labor on Oct. 19th and had her little girl that night and I didn't go until the 22nd (I kept my end of the plan!). A year later on one of our trips together we brought Sam and Kelsey and photographed them together - the almost birthday twins!
When we lived in SW Iowa, Kathy and I faithfully got together every 8 weeks or so. We both love to shop so we'd schlep our kids to the in-laws or put our husbands on duty and then we'd meet up in Omaha and spend a glorious day together. Since I moved to central Iowa, though, it's been a lot harder and our visits had gotten down to about two a year. We decided this last year that that is crazy. The Omaha area is just about even between our homes and there's no reason we shouldn't see eachother at least every 3 months or so. So, that's what we did this past Saturday. And I have to say, we're both a lot thinner now!
It was a great day. We found some terrific bargains and had so much fun talking, talking, and talking. We both homeschool our broods so we have lots to discuss about that and our lives are so similar in so many other ways. And, of course, we bought the exact same red cardigan sweater at Christopher and Banks. Ever since we started shopping together as teenagers we invariably end up purchasing the same thing - our tastes are that similar!
I'll see Kathy again the first weekend of December when we head out to Council Bluffs and the guys go hunting. I can't wait!
Speaking of Council Bluffs...my SW Iowa readers will understand this: What is up with the horrible sculptures on the 24th Street bridge? They look like Edward Scissorhands or rusted out farm machinery - or maybe the remnants from a bad car accident. They have these two monuments that tower over the roadway. The workers were putting the finishing touches on them Sat. Kathy and I could not believe the atrociousness of the sculptures. I guess we're too plebeian to appreciate great art. Whatever it is, it's Iowan tax dollars at work!
More in a bit - I'm having company all day tomorrow and I'm really behind on getting stuff ready for that. Plus, David is pouting because he got in trouble and that's going to involve a long drawn-out discussion. It always does with him - his feelings get all tangled up in the facts.
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