I had forgotten that Sam is not the most cooperative when it comes to having his picture done. I should have waited until a time that Will could have come along with us. Actually, Sam did just fine - for about the first 5 shots. Then, all of a sudden, his shoulders started shaking and great big teardrops began to roll down his cheeks. I have NO idea what the matter was! In fact, I had just had the thought that the shots they would get later would be better because he'd be more warmed up then. Little did I know, there would be no later shots.
So, this is what I ended up with. It looks like Sam and it's a good picture of him. The viewer gets a nice shot of his accident scar from last month (when he fell through the tarp)! I even bought him the most adorable Osh Kosh Gosh outfit for this picture - and he didn't need any more clothing. But I wanted something cute for his photo. And we get to see the whole collar. You'll have to trust me - it was a cute outfit!
This is for Sam's 3rd birthday, which is still 2 months away. But I have to stagger our portrait sessions in order to take advantage of their $9.99 specials that they only allow once every 3 months!
Tomorrow we are going to Adventureland. I'm really battling with my attitude tonight on this. I had planned to leave after 9 am since the park doesn't open until 10. The FaithWriter results will be posted at 9, so it was going to be perfect. Well, now Paul needs to swing by Wayne Dennis (HVAC supplier) for a side job he is working on. These poor people have only had their air intermittently all summer long because of their geothermal system that has had Paul scratching his head quite a bit. He keeps going over there, tinkering with it, getting it running and coming home with money from them. And then they call him again a few weeks later. So it's important. But the thought of having to be gone all day and not knowing the FW results is killing me! How am I supposed to enjoy my day? On the other hand, if I don't do that well, then I might be depressed all day long, too, and unable to enjoy my day. I think I'm starting to get obsessed which isn't good. Really, a little success and I've become a megalomaniac!
This week Sam came up to me and told me he needed my phone. He grabbed it and commented, "I need talk to my mudder." Just who does he think I am?
We picked up a dresser for Sam last night off Craig's List. He's only almost 3 - guess it's time to get him his own dresser! I was trying to save space after he was born so I put his clothes in some Rubbermaid drawers I have up in his room and the rest went in our room. It's worked out fine but his clothes are getting bigger now and he really needs his own space for them. Soon, the fooseball table will be out of the boys' room and in the new basement so there will be room for additional furniture up there. In the meantime, we'll just squeeze. It's really nice and even bigger than David's and Ben's dressers.
Anyone noticed how bacon prices have shot up? I sure did, the last time I was grocery shopping. There was an article in the paper Sun. that I found quite interesting. It explained that what happened is when the whole H1N1 fiasco - er, sorry - pandemic - happened it was initially referred to as "swine flu" even though it had nothing to do with pigs. So, people drastically cut down on their pork consumption. As a result, Iowa farmers couldn't get much money for their pigs, so they didn't raise as many the next year. Well, now consumption of pork is back, but there aren't enough pigs to fill the need. Ergo - price increases. Although, I did notice that Hy-Vee has their Corn King label on sale for $2 a pound this week, which is a really good price. I should stock up.
Paul attacked my bathroom yesterday. Now I have a hole in one wall and he ripped out half my linen closet. I just painted that thing this summer! If I had known he had such destructive plans, I might have let that wait. Grrr....
For my Iowa readers: I had something interesting happen to me. One of my FB friends commented yesterday about intending to vote for Jonathan Narcisse, an independent candidate for governor this fall. I commented back that I was thinking about voting for him as well. Then I went on to talk about the "angry Republicans" who are really ticked off that the establishment candidate has made absolutely no conciliatory gestures towards the social conservatives (of which I am one). I have heard it said that a number of them are planning to write in Bob Vanderplaats on their ticket this fall. He, of course, was running for the Rep. nomination, but lost to Branstad. My initial plan, I mentioned in my FB reply, was to vote for Branstad, but as the weeks have rolled in my conscience just won't let me. More than likely, if the polls are spot-on, he will win on Nov. 2. But I don't like him. The only difference I see between him and Chet Culver, the soon-to-be-ousted-one-term-Democratic-governor-of-the-great-state-of-Iowa, is the "R" after his name. Seriously.
Well, I didn't know it, but Narcisse is one of my friend's FB friends. So, he then replied to me personally about his candidacy for governor. He sent me this link - http://aniowaworthfightingfor.com/ I checked it out and that sealed it for me. My vote is going to Jonathan Narcisse. I would urge all my Iowa readers to carefully consider their vote this fall. Jonathan knows the Lord and he very humbly shares the depths to which he sank before being rescued. He has a workable plan for reorganizing state government and he's fiscally responsible - things I do not believe Branstad is and know Culver isn't. Sure, I was flattered that he took the time to address me personally. Although, I am a vote, so I guess I really shouldn't feel that way! But more than that now I know I can vote with a clear conscience this fall. Like millions of Americans I held my nose in '08 and voted for McCain. And like millions of Americans, I wasn't really voting for him, but rather for Sarah Palin (although my admiration of her has dimmed somewhat in recent years) and against Obama. I'm not doing that this time.
Well, time to knock some more stuff off my to-do list. I also need to get organized for our trip tomorrow. I think I'll need to get up bright and early and make pancakes for the family so that they're not begging for snacks as soon as we step foot inside the gates.
My neighbor, Jenn, is going to babysit Annie for me. That kitty is getting rather annoying. If she's not in her box, she now insists on climbing up my ankles and legs - which are both scratched bloody. And she gets so excited when I give her the bottle now that she has shredded the skin on both my forefingers and thumbs. I'm not liking this! As I recall, I suggested we snap her neck, but no, mister feline lover thought we ought to keep her. I'm not noticing any bloody body parts on him though! She's 5 weeks now, though, so I'm thinking it won't be long before she'll be able to drink on her own and handle kitten food - then she's outside!
Oh dear Sarah, wrap that kitty in a towel and clip her nails! Just not so short as to make them bleed ok?
ReplyDeleteHaHaHa - the word I had to type for authorization was "okrapit". Sounds like a great swear word to me!
Well, Sarah - you got #1 for your story! I hope you get to see sometime today. If not, you'll have an awesome surprise when you get home! Congratulations!!!!