Here is Will last Friday night, all dressed up for Prom Alternative. The kids had a nice time, even though the weather was icky. 13 kids and 4 chaperons went out to eat at a nice restaurant and then they drove down to Kansas City. I didn't realize that they were staying in cabins, but it sounds like they were really cute and cozy. And then the kids went to Worlds of Fun. Fortunately, for them, it was warmer in KC than it was in Des Moines!
We are having rainy, cold weather and have been since mid-week of last week. Ugh! Of course, the up side may be that the boys' first softball game tomorrow night will be cancelled. But I was going to miss it anyway with my support group.
Sam has caught a cold. It's so surprising because we haven't been sick at all since - well, I can't remember when. It isn't keeping him down, any, but he just keeps wiping snot across his face so he has these two big dirty patches on his face where the mucus attracts all kinds of stuff. Gross.
One day last week he was complaining that he had hurt his finger. I dutifully looked and told him I didn't see any blood. He replied confidently, "That's 'cuz I'm going to bleed tomorrow!" That would explain it!
I shopped today alone, which was nice. I was on a quest for a khaki skirt. No luck. I'd like a mid-calf one. The one I have, I have outgrown and it's too painful to try to button it anymore. Sad day... So anyway, I figured I'd just order off the internet - except I cannot find a long khaki skirt. My Chadwick's catalog came last week and they had one. I called to order it - and they were all out. So, I searched all over W. Des Moines today for one and didn't find one. I even looked for shorter khaki skirts and couldn't find one of those! But I did end up ordering one out of Chadwicks when I got home - I hope 25" is long enough to cover my knees. At my age, I have no desire to show off any excess body parts. Although, my friend Melissa did tell me a week or so ago that I have nice knees. I think that's a compliment! That's good anyway, since everyone will be seeing them in this skirt. I'm going to have to up my application of tanning lotion to my legs, I think. And, all the while, I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for a nice, long skirt. Oh, by the way, I did find LONG skirts - 36-39" in length. Those would be for homeschool moms only, I'm thinking. But not this homeschool mom.
Here is an article I wrote for a blog for autism awareness month:http://manyhatsmommy.com/2011/04/16/insight-saturday-church-autism/ This was published last Sat. It's on the same topic that I wrote for RBP. But I completely re-wrote it since RBP now owns my other piece. I got some nice comments on it. What's kind of cool is that within moments of it being posted, another website picked it up, too. So, I guess I went viral! Here's the site for that if you want to see it: http://paper.li/GilTheJenius/1300111208/2011/04/16 You have to scroll down; I'm on the right side.
I would like my readers to pray for my friend, Charlotte. She is my neighbor and I've gotten in the habit of visiting her every couple of weeks. She calls me frequently and we just enjoy eachother's company. Charlotte was born with a heart defect, but has lived to the age of 65. When she was teenager, she had open heart surgery and it was pretty traumatic. Well, Charlotte has not felt well for months and drs are telling her that she needs open heart surgery again - ASAP. But she feels that she has lived a good, long life and is willing to take the risk of dropping dead at any moment over having surgery. Of course, this makes me sad because I hate to think of losing her. This Wed. Charlotte is having a heart catheterization and she has asked me to come see her tomorrow in case she does not survive the procedure. Of course, she may have years of life left yet - nobody ever really knows for sure. But the drs. are not so optimistic. And, I have concerns about Charlotte's spiritual well-being. She's a good, tender-hearted, kind person, but of course, there is more to attaining eternal life than that. So, I'm troubled on two levels. Pray with me, please.
Well, this is the latest on the Heywood House...stay tuned for the next episode!
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