Here is a picture taken yesterday while the boys hunted eggs. I love this because of what David is doing in the background. He's catapulted himself off the dirt pile, and is headed towards the trampoline (he made it!). Looking through the rest of my Easter photos, I have another one of David mid-air, as he jumps off the front porch. He's always moving!
Charlotte, whom I asked my readers to pray for last week, did survive her procedure. In fact, the results came back better than expected. Apparently, her heart is not on the verge of collapsing. So, that's good news. I was quite relieved when I heard.
A month or so ago we moved a desk into the boys room for David. He placed it right in front of one of the windows up there. Well, a pair of blue jays have built a nest not too far from the window. David has had the pleasure of watching them build it and is anxiously waiting to see if there will be baby blue jays at some point. And yet, another reason why home education is wonderful!
We bought mattresses for the bunk beds Sat. night. It actually ended up turning into a mini-date. We went to Lebeda and then to Village Inn. It was a rainy Friday night - kind of a nice date night type of night.
Well, I've covered all my listed topics. I've been informed that tonight's supper smells "bad." Always nice to hear! I also just had a discussion with a certain teenager on why playing airsoft wars is not appropriate when schoolwork hasn't been finished. Grr...Maybe it's time for me to go to bed.
He's flying!