Monday, November 16, 2015

Day 900

 Nov. 15, 16, 2015

Sunday Evening


This won't be a long post.  I only have a few things to write about.  But I just got the girls to bed and I find that, like always, I am reluctant to get started on the nightly routine which involves getting everything out and ready for school so it's not too rushed and panicked before the bus comes in the morning.  So, what better way to put off doing what I don't really want to do than to write?  Besides, I've already been on Facebook two dozen times tonight and really don't want to go back there...tired of reading posts from my liberal friends reminding the world that the difference between the KKK and Westboro church and Christians is the same difference between ISIS and Muslims.  I'm tired of reading posts with the F word in them and I'm even tired of friends who feel the need to remind me exactly how many Saturdays I have left until Christmas...


Of course, I don't like reading that last one because then I get panicked.  I don't even start thinking about Christmas until after Ben's birthday (which is in two days).  I can't handle all that mental pressure - one celebration at a time!


I got a little bit of writing done this past week.  I was somewhere towards the end of the week when the ending for my book came to me - out of the blue.  I quickly scribbled some notes and then yesterday I did the actual writing.  It's just a few paragraphs, but it sort of gives me goose bumps.


And then I started the City Clerk manual this week, too.  I am not planning to quit my job up there but I have a feeling - an unexplainable certainty - that my days doing that job are numbered somehow.  Maybe I'm going to get fired with the new mayor and council coming in.  I don't know!  But I want to leave behind what I didn't have - a training manual on how to do the work. 


I found out Ellie has preschool conferences in a couple of weeks.  Really?  Conferences for preschool?  What are they going to talk about - how well my child does at fingerpainting or refraining from biting her classmates?  The only value I could possibly see would be to get the teachers' input on kindergarten readiness.  Although, as a parent, I feel more than capable of assessing that myself.  Besides, she'll have pre-school testing to determine that in the spring, anyway.  So it's one more thing I have to find time to do.


Today,  one of Ellie's preschool classmates was at church (a family in our church has babysat him since he was born) and so she was enthusiastically waving and calling good-bye to him.  Lizzie began to tease her saying, "Jacob's your boyfriend!"  Of course, Ellie immediately protested this and I attempted to diffuse the situation by saying I was sure Jacob was only Ellie's friend (while mentally rolling my eyes - does the boyfriend stuff have to start this young?).  Ellie agreed, but then added, "It's ok, Mom.  Jacob's a Christian."   Yep - that totally makes dating at four ok.


We had a nasty storm last Wed.  I guess I mentioned in my last post about the possibility of that that they were forecasting at the time.  It came, just like the weathermen said it would.  Of course, I had no intention of being out in it, but like a lot of good intentions...


A little bit after 3 I got a text from the school saying they were keeping the kids because of the weather.  But parents could pick them up if they wanted.  Darn tootin'...I wasn't going to leave my kids for who knows how long at the school, possibly scared to death.  If it was a truly dangerous situation, I wouldn't have gone, but I really felt like I would be ok.  The sky was darkening and it was beginning to rain, but it didn't seem super ominous, either.


So, David and I rushed down to the schools.  It was pouring by then.  He went into the high school to get Ben and I went into the elementary school to get the others.  I was absolutely drenched by the time I got in.  It didn't help that the zipper on my trench coat broke a few weeks ago.  I found my kids and Sam's teacher commented, "I thought I'd probably see you!"  I think she's getting to know my overly-involved self by now!


We should have just waited in the school building for the storm to pass but I didn't know how long it was going to rage.  And I didn't want Ben and David sitting in the van all alone.  So, the kids and I ventured out into the blinding rain and wind.  It was awful and seemed to take forever to get across the street to the van.  We were all soaked to our underpants, but finally we were in the van.  Then, I knew I needed to scoot and get to higher ground in case it began to flood.


As I drove out of the parking lot, the rain began to lessen.  Are you kidding me?!  I just risked life and limb for these kids thinking this would be a long, protracted scary  time, and it was already over?  On the plus side, I now didn't need to worry about driving into flood waters or being swept off the road by a tornado.  So there was that.


We got some hail at the house, but no real damage.  I lost half the leaves on my burning bush and I found a huge limb from the willow tree nestled inside it.  A lot of the willow branches ended up on the opposite side of the house.  All the deck furniture was blown to one corner of the deck.  And a few days later I discovered my  metal pumpkin garage door decoration became a fatality.  The wind ripped that thing right apart.


Later, we found out that an EF 1 tornado did hit Knoxville (10 min, south of Pville).  It tore off part of the roof of the Walmart.  I guess one of Sam's classmates was in there at the time...


But all's well that ends well.  I have a particular horror of tornados that probably has a lot to do with growing up in the Midwest.  But I also have vivid memories of the aftermath of the tornado that hit my grandparents' home in Nov. 1975 when I was only 4 years old.  You don't forget things like that.  I have a Facebook friend who was a real-life friend of Paul's.  His home was destroyed by an Omaha tornado when he was 5 years old.  He, his mom, and his siblings cowered in the basement.  When it passed, all that was left was the basement.  He references that event frequently in his FB posts to this day, 40 years later.


Onto war...


Every year the school hosts a Veterans Day program and Sam came home, deeply moved by the event.  I have noticed his growing interest in American history over the last few months, anyway.  Well, they told the kids the story of how our national anthem was written.  I am pretty familiar with this story, myself.  Sam related it to me and I explained to him the part of the story they left out.


The reason our flag was still standing that quiet morning after being fired upon all night long at Fort Henry was because the bodies of the dead soldiers and patriots held it up.  Because of those noble sacrifices Francis Scott Key received an affirmative answer when he asked that morning if the flag still flew. 


Sam was in awe when I told him that part of the story.

This afternoon he and Lizzie were working on a Thanksgiving placemat project my friend Deb brought them today.  I happened to look at Sam's and under the pre-printed, "I'm thankful For:" he had carefully printed

I'm thankful for the revulonshune woor.  We the U.S.A. We world be stuck.  It world be bad.  I'm so happy. that we live in ir U.S.A.  I'm happy.


Actually, he had first written he was thankful for the "sivill" war which confused me until I realized what he was talking about.  I couldn't imagine why we'd be thankful for the Civil War, but then I realized he was referencing our conversation earlier in the week about the Revolutionary War.  Anyway, Sam stood there with actual tears in his eyes and explained that if it wasn't for those brave soldiers we wouldn't have our country today and things would be very, very bad.


I really like the person this kid is growing into.


Monday Morning

I ended up needing to help Will with a paper last  night so I wasn't able to finish this.  He's writing on the expectations of fatherhood and how sitcoms  influence fatherhood.  I think it's for his Comp class.  He's in a lot of pain right now.  It might be sinus related. It's in his teeth.   It was so bad he spent the night sleeping upright in the recliner.  I tried to convince him to let me make him a doctor's appt today but he doesn't want to miss work.  But that goes until 9 tonight.  So I hope the Advil is enough to hold it off until he can get to the dr which probably won't happen until Wed.


Today I am going to lunch with a couple of older widow friends.  Technically, I guess they're elderly.  One of them anyway.  She's in her 80s.  But I don't see either one as elderly.  I suppose the older I get the more that happen.  The word, "elderly" will be something I only reference to centurians before too long!


Then I need to run some errands.  I am on the hunt for a short trench coat and I thought of a couple more stores that might carry them.  It would be great if I could find one today because the zipper on mine is completely broken and I really  need to replace the coat. Today would be a great day to do that because it's cold and raining!  Tonight I have my mom's group.


Tomorrow is Ben's last IEP meeting.  It's also his birthday.  I think I might bring cupcakes to that to celebrate that it's his last meeting, along with his birthday.  Wednesday will be super busy.  I have to take Ellie to preschool, run up to DMACC and get my FAFSA filed, run back down and pick up Ellie, and then drive over to Newton for a pre-admissions interview at Buena Vista.  Thursday is open.  Friday night my scrapbooking ladies are coming over.  Saturday David will be at a teen conference up at Faith.


And like that, another week will be wrapped up. 

























What I have learned in two years of widowhood:

• God is good - so, so good
• I am loved far more than I ever knew
• I have amazing, resilient children (I am reaping what Paul sowed into their lives)
• Darkness eventually gives way to light
• Strength and wisdom are mine for the asking
• I don't have to have all the answers
• God delights in carefully and tenderly mending torn-apart hearts

Psalm 73:26: My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.


































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