March 18, 2014
Day 286
Today is my
birthday. I’m finding it even more
difficult than I thought it might be.
Paul always made it so special.
He’d awaken me early in the morning so he could be the first to wish me
a happy birthday. Some years he even
surprised me by taking the entire day off work so we could spend it
together. He never forgot. Of course, his biggest coup was three years
ago when he planned a surprise party for my 40th. I went out to lunch with two friends and when
I came back to my house, almost our entire SS class was standing in my
kitchen. I had NO idea this was in the
works! Oh, I miss him, today more than
I don’t even like the
number 43. “42” had a much crisper sound
to it. 43 is kind of blah. The only thing in its favor is that the
numbers are in order, descending backwards, like 32 or 21.
And it feels weird to
be older than Paul for the first time, ever.
He will be forever 42, but I will keep getting older, even though he was
born before I was.
But I’m doing an
awful lot of complaining on a day when others seem to be going out of their way
for me. I’ve received tons of Facebook
birthday messages already and I had a stack of birthday cards to open this morning. Of course, I blubbered all the way through
doing that, but it was still appreciated!
I don’t feel well and
I think that is coloring my perspective, too.
I thought Ben was having a terrible allergy attack over the weekend, but
I realize now it was a cold that came on very suddenly. Since yesterday afternoon I can tell my body
is fighting something – I’ve got the sinus headache and awful body aches. I’m fighting it with my essential oils and
Aleve (“Better living through chemistry!” as David’s tutor always quips when
she sees me pull my pill container out
of my purse). I haven’t succumbed yet to
being totally sick, but I think I’m teetering on the edge. I’m hoping to keep staving it off.
Last week was a bit
rough. I had an older neighbor
proposition me. It freaked me out a bit,
to say the least. Despite quickly
turning him down and almost literally running away, I still felt kind of guilty because I know he’s old and lonely. My pastor’s wife reminded me, “He is NOT your
responsibility!” I know, I know. It was upsetting. Since then, he has “apologized,” although the
more he talked the more I began to suspect he just wanted another chance to
present his “case.” Ugh. I had to remind
him again that what he was suggesting was wrong and highly inappropriate. I never realized just how much protection
marriage offered to a woman until I was no longer married.
And then late last
week things came to a bit of a head with the in-laws. It looks like we may be meeting with a
mediator soon. I hate conflict and find myself just shaking at the thought of having
to sit down with them!
You know, I’m
realizing that Paul fought all my battles for me. He went ahead and made my path smooth. Now I’m on the front lines All.The.Time. It’s wearying. I know God is there with me. He has answered my many prayers for wisdom
and continues to be my strength. I also
know that I have many, many friends and family members who would gladly fight
those battles for me. But I recognize
that some battles have to be faced alone.
These two I mentioned are an example of that. I have to be strong when I just want to run
away and hide. I feel a bit like David
facing Goliath on that field!
Well, this is turning
into a bit of a depressing post,
particularly on my birthday! There are
better things to talk about.
Saturday Ben needed
to go to Iowa City to participate in the state Sp. Olympics basketball
championship. Will and David had a
wedding to attend so it was just the Littles, Ben, and me. I’ve never been to Iowa City in my life! And I got lost, which was stressful. Will tells me
he is going to give me his GPS.
He just upgraded to an i-phone and no longer needs a separate GPS
unit. That would probably be good. Mapquest just isn’t always that reliable –
obviously. Fortunately, I had left early
enough to allow myself some extra time.
I finally made it to the university, but by that point I was seriously
wondering why I had even bothered. Ben
was so sick. I assumed at the time it
was a massive allergy attack. Of course,
I had NO tissues in the van at all. So I
ran to the bathroom and got as much cheap toilet paper as I could. The poor kid had a streamer of TP flying out
from his hand as he shot baskets. The
Littles were bored and hungry and at eachothers’ throats. These events are always so, so crowded, no
matter what the sport. Each athlete
comes with at minimum, one helper, Many, like Ben, bring a whole cheering
squad. You constantly have to be watching out, too, because most special needs individuals, like Ben, tend to be not-spatially aware. It is not uncommon for them to run straight into you because they just don't see you. The events are always chaotic and stressful.
But…it’s so worth
it. I stood on the sidelines and just
watched in awe as Ben shot basket after basket.
He is good! And he has nearly NO fine motor control. This is a boy who can’t eat without making a
mess. He is incapable of buttoning his
clothes or zipping up his own pants. But
he can swoosh that ball! I was bursting
with pride when they led his group out to the podium, helped Ben up to the
highest step and placed a gold medal around his neck. I could have cried, quite honestly. Knowing that he felt miserable, physically,
just made me even that much prouder of him.
He never quits – ever. I remember
when he was learning to walk right around his 3rd birthday. For more than six months he fell more than
he took steps. But he didn’t quit in
frustration. Every single time he got up
and tried again.
Afterwards, the
kidlets and I went to a nearby, crowded mall and bought tissues and allergy
pills for Ben. Then we ate lunch and
headed home. I really missed having
David or Will to handle the Littles. I
was up ordering at the counter and I heard a fuss back at our table. Ellie was throwing a tantrum because Ben
wouldn’t let her come up to the counter with me, as I had instructed (“You all
sit here and don’t move a muscle!”). Argh – what to do? I was in the middle of placing an order, but
I couldn’t leave Ellie to scream and holler and ruin all the other patrons’
lunches. I really look forward to the
day when they are older and more capable of regulating their own behavior! As it was, I had her come to me and then when
I was done ordering I took her to the bathroom and spanked her. Sometimes single parenthood is the pits.
I got home and in the
mailbox was an envelope from the Eye Donor Network. Inside was a card and letter from a woman who
received one or both of Paul’s corneas.
She was a terrible speller but so thankful and expressed real sorrow for
our loss. It really made me feel
good. I do have the opportunity now to
write her back and tell her about Paul if I want. When I feel up to it, I will. Saturday I was really feeling the grief
laying extra-heavily. This letter made
that burden seem a bit lighter.
![]() |
April '93 - in our first apt. |
I had a dream last
week. In it, I had just been diagnosed
with terminal cancer. My first thought
upon hearing the diagnosis was actually dismay.
In my dream I thought, “Oh, now I’ll never re-marry!” My second thought was a little more cheerful
as I began to anticipate being reunited with Paul. I woke up and I thought about it. My first response was kind of telling, I
think. I suspect that there is a part of
me that is beginning to anticipate the future, just a little bit. I certainly hope re-marriage is a part of
that, someday, although I honestly don’t spend a whole lot of time dwelling on
that right now. But it came out in my
dream world. Interesting!
This morning, Ben was
talking about the fact that we used to have only one tv in our house and now we
have four. Yes, well, Mom is a little
more into being entertained than Dad was!
I explained to him that his dad wasn’t a big fan of having the tv on
continually and found a lot of what was on objectionable. I agree with that in theory, anyway, although
sometimes it is nice just to flip it on without thinking! Sam piped up and said, “Well, someday if I
find my kids watching inappropriate stuff on tv, I’m just going to take my tv
right back to the store!” Lizzie gasped
and exclaimed, “Then you wouldn’t have a tv anymore!” Resolute, Sam replied, “That’s ok. My kids can find other stuff to do!” He is his father’s son and doesn’t even
realize it…
So, it’s my
birthday. As of 3:08 this afternoon I’ll
be 43 years old. I am older than I’ve
ever been, but this year I, understandably,
feel much, much older. It’s a day of mixed emotions, most of them
being a bit melancholy as I miss what I used to have. But as I blow out the candles on the cake
I’ll have to bake myself (another first) I hope I remember that I am having a
birthday for a reason. My purpose on
earth has not been completed yet. Until
it is I’ll keep having these birthdays.
If it were up to me, last year’s birthday would have been my last and I
would have died with Paul last summer.
But in my attempt to live a life fully surrendered to God’s control, I
am willing to keep having birthdays and to live out my days, accomplishing His
master plan.
It’s really not a bad
Bless you. I can imagine it was a very hard day. May the Lord continue to walk you through this valley AND bring you joy at times.
ReplyDeleteThat thing with the neighbor is totally creepy! I'm so sorry!
Also sorry about the in-laws. May the Lord work in that situation.