Day 279
I’m coming up on 300 days – in, what, about 3
weeks? I wonder when the time will be
that I no longer count days, but months, and then, eventually years?
I’ve got the girls in the tub and I’m trying to
clean up the house – the countdown to bedtime (my favorite part of the day!)
has begun. Lizzie was a real pill at
supper, deciding that she didn’t want to eat her steak. Seriously, if you’re going to pick a food
battle, Kid, do it with a casserole or hamburger helper – not a steak! These were from that cow that was given to us
last fall – good eating. So I’m more
than ready to put her in the tub.
I took Lizzie in for a hearing test with my ENT
last week. All this time I have had her
I have been beyond convinced she has a hearing loss. She’s constantly ignoring me (which can be
explained, no doubt) and asking to have the tv and radio turned up. But her test came back perfectly normal! So apparently, her hearing is quite selective. I was told that her birth family absolutely
blasted their music and tv in their home.
It’s hard for me to believe that would still be impacting Lizzie today,
but maybe it is. Maybe loud noises bring
her comfort, in a way. I definitely
won’t be turning up the tv and radio for her anymore, though. If I can hear them, with my one deaf ear,
then I know she can hear them!
Lizzie is going to have her tonsils and adenoids
taken out, though. We met with the dr.
after her test and I was telling him about her heavy breathing and the
difficulty I have in awakening her and how she has been known to fall asleep
standing on her feet. He is suspicious
that she has sleep apnea. He looked at
her tonsils and said they were “huge” which could be obstructing her breathing,
causing her to never enter the deepest level of sleep. He wondered out loud if that sleep
deprivation could be causing some of the behavior issues I see. I suppose. I tend to think that her disruptive early
years would have more of an effect than anything, but the breathing thing could
be an issue too, I suppose. So, anyway,
that’s scheduled for four weeks from tomorrow.
It was kind of nice to have the dr. give his
opinion on what needed to be done and to just be able to say, “Ok, let’s do
it.” Paul was always suspicious of too
much medical intervention and I felt like I always had to talk him into taking
the kids to the ER at times and allowing other medical procedures. On the other hand, it’s a little scary
knowing your kids’ entire lives rest in your own decision-making capabilities!
A few months ago a friend sent me a link to Pink’s
song, “Beam Me Up.” I really like
it. There’s nothing super-deep about the
lyrics. It’s a simple song, lamenting
the loss of a loved one. The singer
croons that she wishes she could be “beamed up” to Heaven to see the one she
loves again. The chorus goes, “Could you
beam me up,Give me a minute, I don't know what I'd say in it-I'd probably just
stare, happy just to be there, holding your face, Beam me up…”
Like I said, it’s
sweet, it’s simple, and I find it relatable these days. A couple of months ago I was listening to it
in the van and Lizzie asked, “Mom, why is she singing, ‘Beat Me Up?’” Yes, well, one can understand my belief that
this child has a hearing loss! But then,
it wasn’t but a few weeks later Will heard me listening to the song and asked
puzzled, “Why does she want someone to beat her up?” So now, whenever I hear the song, I find
myself singing, “Beat me up…” They’ve
ruined it for me.
I’m slowly getting
this written tonight in between watching tv, picking up, doing Learning RX with
David, getting the girls to bed, and texting with my friend, Jenn. Jenn was Lizzie’s foster mom for a year and a
half. I told her about Lizzie’s upcoming
sugery and she texted me, “Um, Lizzie doesn’t have her adenoids anymore.”
Apparently they were taken out before I got her. I did not know that. Guess I had better mention that to the doc the
morning of the surgery so he doesn’t get confused when he goes in to get them
and can’t find them!
Last week when I took
the Littles to the dentist, we had to be there quite early. The day before Sam had worn sweats all day
and ended up wearing them to bed, too, since it wasn’t a bath night. I was in such a hurry the morning of the
appt. that I just had him wear the clothes again. I don’t normally do stuff like that, but it
was expedient for the circumstances. Of
course, I will probably never do it
again, though, because while at the dentist, Sam announced to the hygienist,
“I’m wearing the same clothes I wore all day yesterday!” Just about that time I noticed a spaghetti
sauce stain on his sleeve. He could have
really used some Novocaine right about then!
I met with my
financial guy today. I wrote him a
really, really big check – the biggest check I have ever written in my entire
life. I was doing fine and then suddenly
on the way home, I turned to Will and, in a panic, asked, “Are you sure this
guy checked out? I just gave him almost
all my money!” He calmed me down and I’m
ok now. Actually, I think things are
going to be more than ok. I may not have to go
back to work as soon as I thought I would.
I may even get to stay home until Ellie graduates, which would be
wonderful. I'm not so sure who would want to hire a 59 year old woman when the time comes, but I'll worry about that later. I was thinking that staying home wasn’t
going to be an option. But this guy
seemed to indicate that if I choose a simple lifestyle, I might be able to
stretch out this money even into retirement through the beauty of compounding
I found another
reason to like him, though. When he’s
not wearing a suit and investing other people’s money, he’s a clown. Seriously, he is a clown! He gave me tickets to the circus next week (the kids are
going to be so excited!) and told us how he is a Shriner’s clown. His clown name is "Scooter" and he showed us a
picture of himself, all make-upped up. It
is so cool! I’m supposed to text him at
the circus and then he’ll give the kids some extra attention.
I am really,
really, really enjoying my new
bedroom. It is just so perfect! Once I get my computer in there I will have
everything I need. If I just put a mini-fridge in there, I would never have to come out! Just kidding…The only thing nicer would be if
I got to spend more time actually sleeping
in there. My nights have been so short
lately, it seems. I did get to sleep in
a bit last Sat. morning. I was sleeping
when I sensed little feet beside the bed.
The next thing I knew, the covers were being pulled up around my chin
and a light, feathery kiss was on my cheek.
It was my girl, coming to check on me.
I now have my new
closet, as well. Our old closet was one
that Paul added to our former bedroom.
He simply framed it in on top of an existing wall. So what Will did was to remove the front of
the closet and then that combined with the space left between the old closet
and the bathroom wall created a new,
larger space. He drywalled the hallway
side of it and hung a door. It’s
nice. I have lots of room for my
clothes, shoes, and jewelry now. I even hung my full-length mirror on the
inside of the door. It’s my dressing
area now, too. For someone who has spent
her entire life living in old houses (built when closet space was not a
priority for homeowners) I am loving this
new space! We hung up a whole bunch of shelves so there’s plenty of new storage
space as well.
When it was just a
normal, regular-sized closet, I did have a few shelves Paul had built. Over the years I had stuffed some of them
with cards and notes and miscellaneous stuff.
I cleaned that all out the other night.
There were all these notes and poems Paul had written me over the
years. I re-read them all and found
myself in tears as I did. That man loved
me so, so much. Of course, I remember how
awful I was at times and I am just amazed at his faithfulness and never-ending
love. I suppose, in that regard, he
taught me a lot about God’s love for us.
I put those things in
my hope chest. That is now in my
bedroom. I remember spending the day
with my grandparents around the time of my high school graduation. They drove me up to this furniture store
about an hour from home. I can’t
remember if we went to a place called “Frederick’s Furniture” or if it was in
Fredricksburg, Iowa (is there a Fredricksburg, Iowa?) I just remember reading in the back seat and
eating jelly bellies all the way up there. This was the grandma that kept me
supplied with the jelly beans and books.
We picked out this beautiful Lane cedar chest for my graduation present.
I had been collecting
things for my future home for several years.
I think I kept them in one of my dresser drawers. But once I got the chest I moved them into
that. It truly was a “hope” chest
then. After I married I used it as a
linen “closet” for awhile since the little apartments we rented didn’t seem to
have those. Then, when the boys outgrew
their baby blankets, I saved one from each and put them in the chest. I had a few other odds and ends – a
tablecloth my great-grandma cross stitched (that I actually pulled out and used
for the first time at Will’s graduation party), a crocheted baby outfit that
was Paul’s, etc. I’m debating about what
to do about that. It’s a sweet little
outfit, complete with booties. I don’t
remember Paul’s mom giving it to us but evidently, she did. I don’t know if I should hang onto it for my
grandchildren or if Dorothy would find some solace if I gave it back to her now
that Paul has died. I’ll have to think
on that some more. There have been a lot
of times that hope chest has seemed to take up more room than I could afford,
but I never once considered getting rid of it.
It’s been scuffed and sat on, and used as a laundry table for a period
of years. Some of the trim on the bottom
was knocked off by toy cars.
But now, for the
first time ever, it is nearly full. I
have it stuffed with memorabilia. I have
all the things from the funeral I wanted to save. I have Paul’s wallet, his keys, his pocket
contents, and his pills in there. I have
all these little notes from him that I found.
I put my wedding dress in there.
I think that chest will be following me to the nursing home
someday. I can’t imagine being separated
from the memories! It occurred to me,
too, that I will have to make sure that the girls are given their own chests
someday, too.
I have been
struggling again for the better part of a week.
I do so good and then the weight of the grief settles in and I just feel
like I am drowning all over again. Just
last night I was driving home from Ankeny after a meeting and as I drove on the
interstate the thought crossed my mind that it would be so easy to drive right
off the side of the road. I could
probably kill myself pretty easily doing something like that – just head down
an embankment, close my eyes, and wait for Heaven…the scary thing was that the
thought was really, really appealing for the briefest of moments. Reason kicked in, of course. I wouldn’t do something like that. But now I can understand those that do.
More and more I am starting to feel this
pressure for others, mainly, to be doing better. After all, 9 months have passed. It’s time to start moving on with life. I know people want me to move on, to feel
better, to live again. I think a part of
me does, too, but I also know that if I start moving forward, then I’ll be
leaving Paul farther and farther behind. But that’s going to happen anyway. Even feeling as rotten as I do at times, I
can look back on the 9 months and see progress.
I’m moving forward whether I want to or not.
I am reading in my
widow devotional by Margaret Nyman again now that I have a bedroom. This morning I read this sentence that gave
me pause, “But losing our choices to
God’s choices can give fresh meaning to our days.”
I had to read that
several times. Losing our choices…that’s
what happened the day Paul died. I lost
that choice because God chose to take him home.
But “fresh meaning”? Life feels
anything but “fresh” right now. The
author goes on to talk about how when life goes awry and our own plans are
blown apart that God’s priorities can then come into being. I still don’t see it. I
don’t see God’s priorities at play yet.
I can’t see the good.
But maybe that’s what
faith is. Trusting that there is good,
especially when the darkness seems full of bad things.
I am trusting. I’m not understanding, but then, I guess I
don’t have to.
Only trust.
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Worlds of Fun - the hottest day in July 2011 - I loved it when Paul crawled in Snoopy's house so I could tell him that he was finally in the "doghouse" for real! |
I don't know if I've recommended the book A Grace Disguised before, by Jerry Sittser. It was the best book on grief I read when I had a miscarriage. It is SO real -- Sittser lost his wife, daughter, and mother in a horrific car crash caused by a drunk driver. Sittser was driving and his 3 other kids were in the car and they weren't badly hurt, but he had to go on with life being a single father to 3 distressed children while mourning his wife, daughter, and mom. I really really recommend the book. I honestly don't think people should expect you to "move on" yet. My husband and I were in emotional crisis for 6 months after our first miscarriage, and we even conceived another baby (who lived) during that time. We both felt like people wanted us to "move on" and while we functioned, we were still grieving and mourning and sorting things out. I know not everyone responds like we do to miscarriage and I don't expect them to. What I'm saying have the right to grieve the way you should, and it is totally reasonable that you are having a very hard time. You are doing what you can and marching forward and caring for your kids so you are doing a great job, but don't push yourself to be "better" for awhile. I think people don't want others to be in the Valley of the Shadow of Death for too long but reality is, sometimes we just have to walk that road and it is tough and hard and sad and depressing and that's just the way it is. My opinion.
ReplyDeleteRe your daughter and possible hearing loss...first, it is good she doesn't have hearing loss. Our 2nd son (now age 9) used to alarm me by not seeming to hear me. His hearing tested fine, and I suspected an auditory processing disorder and while we didn't get testing, I did do some cross training brain exercises. (He also has a handwriting glitch.) I used a book by Dianne Craft about getting the brain hemispheres to talk to one another better. He is doing better but it is hard to know how much is just being older and how much is the exercises. Anyway, I know what it is like when a child misses what you are saying, or seems to forget instantly what you said. Frustrating!
I chuckled a bit inwardly when you talked about your husband resisting doing medical stuff with the kids. My husband is EXACTLY the same way. He always wants second opinions and is doesn't follow the docs blindly, for sure :-).
God bless, Laraba