This past week had my favorite day of the whole year in it - my birthday! It was Wednesday, the 18th. It actually was a pretty busy week and I think I'll blog later on some other parts of it. This will be just about my birthday.
Monday, Sara and her girls came down for the day. I wrote earlier about that visit, I think. This is a picture of Melissa and me with the amazing birthday cake she made. This girl is so creative! Can you believe she is only 10?! I told Melissa how my cakes don't come out of the pan. When I make a cake for Paul or the boys, I leave it in a cake pan, frost it and sprinkle some sprinkly thingies on it, stick some candles it it, and wish them happy birthday. Well, that's not quite true. Sometimes I get really creative and make cupcakes, frost them, and decorate with sprinkly things. At any rate, I'll never attempt something like the above!
Wednesday Paul had them announce my birthday on WHO during Van and Bonnie's show. I've always been perfectly fine with turning another year older. The thrill of it kind of started to diminish a few years ago, but I don't mind turning another age - beats the alternative, as they say! But when they said, "and today is Sarah Heywood's birthday. She's a homemaker and turning 38.", I realized that sounded old and the "homemaker" part sounded a bit frumpy, like I'm an old housewife! I suppose it's better than announcing that "Sarah is turning 38 and still can't figure out how to keep it all together. As we speak, she is slowly losing her mind." I am, but I don't need that announced anyway.
So my birthday was a busy day. I did get some school done with the boys before heading to the dr. with Ben. I got quite a few nice cards in the mail and a couple of phone calls - always appreciated! The drs. visit was traumatic. I got home and just felt so discouraged about my messy house, as always. But then we went out to eat at Culver's and then to church. During prayer request time, my cell phone went off! Argh! Nobody ever calls me so I never think to shut that thing off. It was my brother, Matt. So, while everybody prayed, we chatted out in the entryway, which was nice. Afterwards, we went home and Paul had gotten a Dairy Queen cake for me. Oh, it was so cute. He got one that had 3 or 4 Disney princesses on it and said, "Pretty as a Princess." He picked it because my name means "princess" and that's what he calls me when he is in a romantic or generous mood. I asked him if he told them it was for his wife and he said he did!
Thursday Paul's folks drove up from Council Bluffs. We went bowling and I am still hurting from that experience! Then we went to the Machine Shed for supper. When the boys found out we were going out to eat yet again, Will exclaimed, "Wow - restaurants 2 nights in a row!" The poor, deprived kid! That was a good meal, though. I love the Machine Shed! Dorothy brought me my favorite Danish layer cake she makes me every year. Paul finished up the last of that last night.
Friday night was scrapbooking. And Luanne, one of my scrapping girls, brought me a cake! So that's 4 cakes in 5 days. I think I am loved. I have been feeling so overwhelmed and so tired that I ended up leaving scrapping early - hated to do that, but I needed to sleep.
Then yesterday Paul and I had an appointment with Pastor and Marcia - our on-going counseling concerning Ben and his needs as well as just encouragement in our parenting. Afterwards, Kirsti took me out for lunch and we even had hot fudge sundaes for dessert! That was a good visit.
And now I am home today on Sunday. Sam is barking and I can hear wheezing down in his chest. I really don't want to have to take him to the dr. I had planned to stay home anyway this morning, though. I'm just tired. Mentally, I feel like I am kind of "losing" it and I needed some time to re-group - and clean my house! Physically, I am tired. I do see my gyno. this week - not sure if she can do anything for me or not. More on that later...
But anyway, I had a great birthday week. It's always so nice to feel loved and appreciated by those who know you. I was actually kind of feeling sad this morning that now I have to wait a whole year for another birthday! Silly me! I had better enjoy my thirties as long as I can because 40 is looming on the horizon!

WOW, sound like you had a great birthday!! I always say since mine is the 1st of the month that I get to celebrate ALL month (sept.) I am lucky if my husband and kiddos even acknowledge my b-day. :( I am hoping this year is different, but only time will tell. I do hope that you are able to get some rest this week. I understand losing it mentally, I have been having one of those weeks (years it feels like sometimes.) You are in my thoughts and prayers.