Day 218
Seven months into this, there are still moments where I find it
difficult to believe that Paul is really and truly dead. I thumb through the family scrapbooks and he
seems so alive on the pages that I try to fool myself into thinking that if I
rest my hand on a picture of him, I’ll feel him again. There are nights that I pretend to myself
that he is laying in bed beside me and I can almost trick my mind into believing
it is true. I can still instantly bring
the sound of his voice and the touch of his rough fingertips to my mind. When will that begin to fade, I wonder?
A number of years ago a song sung by Natalie Grant came out,
simply entitled, “Held.” At the time, I
remember that the words touched me deeply.
These are just some of the lyrics:
Who told us we’d be rescued
What has changed and
Why should we be saved from nightmares
We’re asking why this happens to us
What has changed and
Why should we be saved from nightmares
We’re asking why this happens to us
Who have died to live, its unfair
This is what it means to be held
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it means to be held
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was that when everything fell
We’d be held
That the promise was that when everything fell
We’d be held
In fact, I remember talking to Will one
day about this song when it came over the radio. I remember actually choking and telling him that someday, someday, he would understand this
song. That someday, his world would be
rocked so strongly that all he could do was cling to the Father.
I told him that someday something would happen that he would have no
logical answers for and he would have to simply allow himself to be held in
those moments. Of course, I was thinking
way, way in the future. I never once
imagined how and when that moment would arrive.
I’ve heard the song since Paul’s
death. But the other night I was
listening to my mp3 player in the kitchen and the song came on. For the first time since June it grabbed me
and – hard. I stood there, shaking, as
tears just ran in rivulets down my face. But
not for long. A child came in there,
needing something, and I had to quickly wipe my eyes and tend to their
needs. That happens a lot! But I’ve had the song on my mind ever since.
I am really sick right now. I honestly don’t know if I have the flu or if
it’s just a bad chest cold. I’ve got
nasal and chest congestion. My voice
sounds like, “you’ve been smoking for 40 years!” as Will so eloquently
described it earlier today. I’ve got the
body aches that make me think it could be the flu. But my throat feels like I’ve swallowed
broken glass so that makes me think it could be strep. And, no, I haven’t been to the dr. yet. One of my council members called me today and
nagged me about that after I missed last night’s meeting! I keep thinking I’m going to wake up and
suddenly feel better. But I may have to
give in and go to the dr. intead.
Of course, I haven’t slowed down
much. I can’t. I spent yesterday up at City Hall getting
ready for the meeting I couldn’t attend.
Today I took David to Learning RX to find out the results of his testing
and meet with the director. Then, I
ended up swinging by church to talk to Terry and get his input into what I
should do. Then, I came home and had to
put another two coats of paint on David’s bedroom walls and attempted to paint
his loft bed out in the garage (except it’s just too cold for the paint to dry,
so it was an exercise in frustration).
Then I had to help David pack for the Winter Melt-Down up at camp. Finally, Will said, “Mom, you need to take a nap! You go to bed and I’ll put Lizzie down for
her nap.” So I did. I almost slept, but then David came in to
inform me he was leaving and did I have any money? That was the end of my rest time. And then Ben came home from school and wanted
to know why I never showed up for his “fair” something or other he was
doing at school today. I knew he was doing something out
of the ordinary because he told me he didn’t want to go to Genesis today but
wanted to stay at school, which was fine.
But I had no idea he wanted me to come!
I feel so bad. If he had told me,
I would have been there. I told him
that, but Ben didn’t seem terribly concerned, just wondered why I hadn’t come,
I guess.
older kids are doing a good job, but I wish Paul was here to take care of me
right now. I bet I would not have had to
make supper tonight.
I did get the results on David. He scored low on everything they test,
ranging between 7 – 13 years age-wise on most things. But, when it comes to long-term memory, he
scored at age 19! That does make sense,
because he can pull out events from his pre-school years and talk about
them. I just wasn’t sure what to
do. They offer a variety of
options. The more expensive ones require
little involvement from the parent, the cheaper ones require more parental
involvement and less time at the center.
I was half-tempted to go with the expensive one because of my time
constraints, but after talking to Terry, I decided finally to go
middle-of-the-road. I’ll be running
David up to W. Des Moines twice a week for an hour and a half and then I’ll
have to carve out 3 hours a week to work with him at home. With this one, though, results are
guaranteed. Because of the severity of
David’s needs, the center is suggesting we do a 32 week course, and the
director said we may need even more time than that (for more $, of
course). But yet, if by doing this, I am
broadening David’s options, then it has to be worth it. The director taught first grade for decades
and while she didn’t come right out and say she supported homeschooling, she
talked with dismay about the handful of students she would have every year who
just couldn’t learn and how they would handle normal school protocol for such students, but even with the intervention and parental involvement, the students still could not learn. She made the
comment that as these students grew their future and world became more and more
limited. And I know she’s trying to sell
me a product and is going to pull whatever strings it takes to get me to sign
on the dotted line. But at the same
time, her words did speak to me because that is what I fear for David. I honestly do not care if he goes to college
or not someday. That’s not my goal with
him – or any of my kids. But if he
chooses not to go to college I don’t want it to be because he could not
function at that level, but only because that’s just not a direction God is
leading him. I have to do
something. The director asked me about
my fears for David right now and I thought out loud as I expressed them to
her. I fear that he will be stuck in
low-level jobs because of his lack of reading, decision-making, and math
skills. I fear that he will be easily
taken advantage of by the unscrupulous.
I fear that he will continue to feel badly about himself which will lead
to poor decisions that adversely affect his long-term life.
I have
a peace about this decision even if I’m not quite sure how I’m going to manage
it all!
Ellie is growing so fast. Just this week she started saying, “Lizzie”
very clearly. Her sister was “Lolo” at
first and for the past 8 months or so has been, “Lala.” I think that’s adorable. But whenever I’d call Lizzie, “Lala” she’d give me the death stare. Apparently that’s a term of endearment
allowed only by a little sister! And
when we ask her, Ellie says very clearly, “Me Elwie ‘Aywoo” (“Me: Ellie Heywood”). She has also figured out that some people are boys and some are girls and happily spends her time identifying each. Her brothers get pretty disgusted if she misidentifies them as, "girls" - imagine that. I'm not convinced she doesn't do that on purpose! I’ve never had a 2 yr old girl before, but I’m
pretty sure mine is pretty advanced for her age!
And her sister…oh, her sister…One night
this week I was making supper and Sam asked if we were going to eat deer
meat. I pointed to the ham I was heating
and replied, “No, pig.” Lizzie exclaimed
incredulously, “What?!” I repeated that
we were eating pig for supper. Lizzie
asked, “Why are we eating a kid for
supper?” I am not quite sure which is
more appalling – her obvious hearing loss or the fact that she thinks I would
actually practice cannibalism in my kitchen!

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