I just tried to register for the writing class I mentioned a couple of blogs back, and it won't let me - is this a sign? I discovered that Ben has his first choral concert that night at the Events Center in Des Moines. Now, Paul will be able to go in my place, I'm sure. But I've been wrestling with that ever since I discovered the conflict. It seems kind of selfish to miss my child's event to go do something for me. But, I really, really want to go to this class! Maybe I'll try again later...
Speaking of classes, both Will and David took their hunters' safety course last week - Thursday evening and part of Saturday. Prior to taking the class David was saying he didn't know if he would ever want to hunt someday - didn't know if he could stomach the thought of killing animals. But after the class, he seemed more willing to go kill a few deer! Both he and Will passed the course. Paul took them and enjoyed it so much he stuck around for half of Saturday's class.
Well, tomorrow is the day that I find out how my latest FW piece did. I'm hopeful - which is probably not a good thing! I've also gotten quite a few comments on it, which is strange. The ones that I've done better on, I never got that many comments on. So, I may be back down to the bottom of the heap again!
My friend, Kristi Peifer, whom I mentioned awhile back (she's the one who got me started in FW) is starting a blog. I'll direct you all to it as soon as she gets it set up. I'm excited - she's a very talented writer and funny, to boot. So you'll enjoy what she has to say.
On the subject of funny: I was changing Sam the other day. Apparently, I was too rough because he exclaimed, "Hey, don't hurt my weiner!" That cracked me up, especially because I never taught him that word! I bet we can thank his big brothers for that one. Of course, now I have reason to dread the next hot dog roast and what might come out of Sam's mouth at that point!
Well, Weiner Boy is being very impatient and trying to climb on me as I type. Better end this. He's been a royal grump since he got up this morning. I think it's time for an early nap. Maybe for me, too?
Thanks for the compliment, Sarah! Tell Wiener Boy that it'll heal faster if he goes to bed early. Think he'll buy it? ;)