Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Many Roles

A maze for you, I have today
You'll have to search and look;
The next clue that you need to find
is in your reading book.

Monday morning I stumbled out of my room, bleary-eyed, searching for clean underwear in my laundry basket. Then, I noticed something taped to my computer screen. I couldn't see what it was, so I hurried and got my glasses on. It was the above note, penned by Paul. So, there I was, scraggly haired and in a bathrobe, scurrying all over my house, the yard, and even down in the new basement, going from clue to clue. I won't put them all on here, but they were all done in rhyming, limerick style. Eventually, I found my surprise. Taped to the back side of the computer were tickets to an upcoming Broadway production at the Des Moines Civic Center, Mary Poppins.

I am so excited! They've been advertising this production for a couple of weeks now and I've always had the thought, "I wish..." I grew up reading and re-reading my Mary Poppins books. I didn't know it, but Paul had a Mary Poppins record he used to listen to as a little boy. So, he was interested as soon as he heard the ads too. He could have just given me the tickets, but instead he gave me this scavenger hunt. It was romantic and fun and a reminder of just how unromantic and un-fun I am to him. I need to work harder at that. But, anyway, it was also reminder to me of what a gift my husband is. As several of my Facebook friends when I posted about this, "He's a keeper!"

So, on Dec. 9th we get to get all dressed up and head downtown like a couple of high rollers. It will be fun!

I did buy my new food processor. I love it! It is such better quality than those cheap models I have been buying. The base is made out of stainless steel and every part is just heavier and sturdier than what I'm used to. I see a lot of chopping, dicing, and pureeing in my future!

Remember my post awhile back about that disruptive student at Ben's social skills class and my indecision about whether to leave or to stay during her meltdowns? Well, in the weeks since she has had a few outbursts, but they've been more mild and not a huge deal. Until yesterday. She was utterly out of control. For more than a half hour I listened to her cry, run down the halls, and scream and scream and scream. She's obviously on the spectrum somewhere, although from what I have observed, she does seem to be quite high functioning. But not in self control.

So, I sat there, just debating about what to do. At one point she did run out into the waiting room and frightened Sam. I knew if I insisted that it was time for Ben to leave, that would cause a disruption, too. But yet, I know from past experience, this girl's tantrums fascinate Ben. He has trouble, himself, from time to time, controlling his anger. But we've never let him get away with it, attempting to teach him self-control instead. I understand that the center has a "no touch" policy, which I assume means they won't put a student in a full body hold, which I know some places use to contain out-of-control children and adults. But that means that the girl remains in control. They remove her from the classroom, but since they can't touch her, she doesn't stay in any other room, and instead runs, screaming in anger all the while. Anyway, this is behavior I really do not want my children exposed to, particularly since it's not being controlled by the center.

So, I finally told one of the workers that I was leaving and taking Ben with me. They tried to talk me out of it and, of course, I doubted whether I was doing the right thing then. But I was adamant and we left. It was the right decision. I am ultimately the one in charge of my children. Obviously, I can't control all the influences that come into their lives. But I can do what I am able. So, that's what I did. We'll go back next week. But I'll be ready to leave again if we have to.

It's been a week where all my roles have come together: loved wife, sickly patient (fortunately, an infrequent role), and wise mother. Pretty soon here I'm going to have to don my chef's hat and take on yet another role. Such are my days!


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