I'm a little behind on my blogging - I can tell by the list that has steadily grown over the last week of things that I wanted to mention. That's the way it goes, I guess.
It's been thunderstorming almost all day; well, since around lunch, anyway. I was finishing up my shopping today with Sam and by the time we left Target it was just torrentially pouring. I was surprised when I got to my van to see all these little birds fly out from underneath it with my approach. They were, apparently, taking refuge from the elements. I had needed to go to Hy-Vee, but skipped it. I wasn't about to go out in the deluge. I have a support group meeting tonight; maybe I can go afterwards. I had co-op pickup just an hour ago and it was pouring like crazy while we were unloading the truck. I'm glad I had my umbrella, but it didn't do all that much good. Oh well. I'll take the rain over the 110 degree temps my sister-in-law told me they are having right now in Phoenix!
The weather was good for Will's game last night. Unfortunately, the Trojans weren't good for the game - 30 to 0. Ouch! Neither Varsity or JV has won a single game yet. But Will did catch a pass and got to run for a short bit before getting tackled. Everyone in the stands was yelling, "Yay 7!" Will said there is a possibility he may end up playing quarterback before too long. His coach has been working with him on learning that position. I think that would be great! I'm going to try to make his Varsity game this Friday up at Des Moines Christian. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that this time, it's the Christians that will be doing the slaughtering...
A week ago I popped some popcorn the old fashioned way for a recipe (which ended up being a really gross recipe - I wish I'd figure out these things before I buy the ingredients and go to the effort of trying new stuff). Will looked into the bowl and informed me that I had burned a good deal of it. I told him, no, those were the old maids. He looked again and replied seriously, "No, those are unpopped kernals!" I laughed and said, "Will, don't you know what an 'old maid' is?" He said, again totally seriously, "Sure, I do. They're old women that you can hire to clean your house!" How we went from popcorn to house cleaners, I'm not sure. But it cracked me up, anyway!
Oh, and last week David said something about "pickle plants." Unfortunately, he said that to Will, who can be a big tease. Will didn't let David hear the end of that one for awhile. I can see how David might think that. I am not domesticated enough to do any canning, so far all David knows, pickles DO come off plants before they're put in jars and we buy them!
I was so impressed with Ben last week. He commented, out of the blue, that he thought it would be good idea if we kept a bag in the upstairs bathroom trashcan. He said it would be easier to change the garbage. I said that sounded good to me. So, as soon as we got home, he went upstairs, emptied the garbage that was in the can outside in the big can, and then put a small bag in there. That just showed problem solving skills and initiative both, as well logical thinking because he knew he had to empty the can before putting his idea in place. I'm very impressed and I'm not so sure that would have happened before he started back to school a month ago.
Ben also mentioned to me that one day last week they looked at an onion under a microscope in a science lab. He then casually mentioned, "We never did labs in homeschool." Gad - he's making me sound like the worst home school teacher, ever! And just for the record, Will has done plenty of science experiments since he got into Jr. and Sr. High. They're part of his curriculum.
Well, I'll be back in a bit. I'd better go eat and then get ready for my meeting.
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